Pedestrian DnD

Session 04 (2024-08-09)

Last Time

We met up with Delridge Berryroot after midnight and crossed the river with Pembrose Dandylion, navigating dangerous currents. Dander warned us about the magical plants and unpleasant fog on the south bank. We reached the Southern Beacon, a haunted lighthouse with a tragic history involving Agostino Barlucci and Julietta Barlucci.

Inside, we discovered letters and a diary revealing a descent into alcoholism and depression. We encountered a poltergeist and struggled to open a hatch as water filled the chamber. After breaking out, we found Julietta’s corpse and theorized that her death and Agostino’s guilt were keeping his spirit there. We then faced a banshee, the ghost of Agostino’s daughter Corina Barlucci, and managed to destroy it. We evacuated the burning lighthouse and saw the beacon starting to function again.

The Southern Beacon

We gathered enough information to speak with a smith or professional for an assessment. Barrick learned that the glass floats were broken but repairable, and the flame eruption might have damaged the lenses. Bikke investigated the boat, which was sufficient to get us back to the dock but not across the river. The mist retreated as the sun rose.

The Lazaretto

We walked back to the fork in the trail and met Lepett, a deformed half-elf guard suffering from the rotting disease. He offered to let us into the Lazaretto to see Mother Isabel Verduna. The Lazaretto was surrounded by a wooden palisade with carts of bodies out front. Inside, we saw a burn pit and several buildings. Mother Verduna led us to the Temple of Ilmater for rest.

Mother Verduna shared that the rotting disease had been around for about 35 years. She mentioned that Corina Barlucci had worked with the Vintner after returning from Riatavin. Kira noticed some plants from the Feywild and learned that Verduna had purchased them from an Eladrin merchant. Verduna shared cuttings of plants with Kira and discussed the disease’s progression and its effects.

The River Ith

We left the Lazaretto with Lepett, and Dander picked us up at the dock. Dander reported that Boblin had been locked up for nearly decapitating a human merchant. As we neared the north shore, the extreme apathy effect faded.

Port Maraisa

We met Delridge and asked him to give Mother Verduna a bottle of port as a thank you. Barrick inquired about glass work for the lighthouse, but Delridge suggested Calimshan. Hugh and Barrick went to the Vintner’s Frolic to get drunk and learned more about Boblin’s arrest.

The next morning, we went to see Magistrato Dominico Falcone. We described the fight with the banshee and the damage to the lighthouse. Dominico confirmed that getting parts for the lighthouse would be complex and mentioned that the glass designer was in Memnon. He asked us to help interrogate Boblin, who had killed a merchant named Mathis.

Dominico’s Basement

We headed to Dominico’s basement where Boblin was being held. Gavin tried to charm Boblin, but it failed. Boblin claimed he did not break any law and explained that the merchant had broken a contract involving halfling kids from Riatavin. Boblin suggested capturing merchants and bringing them to Bad Doric to free him. The party executed Boblin for his crimes and informed Dominico of the results.

Tracking the Runaway Merchants

We decided to chase down the merchants on the road to Darromar. Kira tracked them to Riatavin, where we found a cart with two riders. After a brief fight, we captured the merchant and interrogated him. He revealed that Etienne Auttencort wanted slaves and that Albrecht Moray had arranged for specific children to be sent through the White Skull Goblin Gang. We tied up the merchant and brought him back to Port Maraisa as evidence.

Shared Notes

Session 4